Designer Showhouse 2019
"Who doesn’t love a relaxing, zen room?"
“Creating your personal space that resonates well with you can help you to find the peace you are looking for,” Touijer shared in her show notes. “Most believe that meditation is all about connecting yourself – mind and body – with nature and your surroundings. My meditation space provides you with the opportunity to recharge your body both physically and mentally, and keep you balanced.”
In this room, there’s an inviting sense of warmness and light to the space thanks to a great in-wall fireplace and lovely natural light streaming in from the windows.
“The first thing you notice when you walk into this space is the overall sereneness, the calmness, and just the white color that’s enveloping the space,” Touijer told House Tipster Industry.
To create the tranquil and functional space, Touijer worked with a variety of luxury vendors and brands, including Benjamin Moore, Sacco Carpet, Kenise Barnes Gallery, Dennis Cruz, Mossbossnyc, Kieran McCauley, HearthCabinet Ventless Fireplaces, The Shade Store, Elitis, and Tiffany Shelton of Conscious Life Shop.